Having Fun in Love

Last week TN called me early in the morning and the call ended before I could pick up so I immediately called back only to find that she wanted to know if I had a hangover and she annoyed me so much because I thought it was a serious situation but she was just laughing her guts off on the other end of the line so we hung up but then the rest of that day she kept on annoying me about this call especially how fast I returned her call. 

That was just one story of hundreds of other stories in which we are on a mission to annoy each other, tease each other and just push each other’s buttons. And it’s all just things which we never really talk about but that makes us love each other more each and every day. It’s the little things that strengthen a relationship and in this case it’s having fun with each other, it may sound cliche but when you’re dating someone they instantly become your best friend, from just the fact that each and every morning I send her a good morning text sometimes she wakes up first and she sends the first good morning text, that’s just natural for us, we don’t have to overthink it. There have been many moments in which I would wake up and send her a good morning text, carry on with my day but an hour later I’ll feel like I forgot to send the good morning text only to realize that I, in fact did send that text. It just goes to show that it has become so habitual that it's embedded within me to naturally do that almost like muscle memory. 

Everything that happens in real time in my life, the first person I tell is her and sometimes I even think to myself “I wish she were here to see this madness”. We laugh together so much that I’m sure the most used emoji in our chat is the “crying laughing emoji”. Each and every day we find something to laugh about. There have been some challenging moments in which we had to go through but literally a few minutes later we are laughing at something or gossipping about someone. 

If there’s one thing that's been different about this relationship, is the fact that it has been the easiest relationship ever, we are just in it to have fun, grow and love each other. We don’t overthink anything and we can be completely free with each other to the point in which there’s nothing that someone can tell one about the other where they’ll be surprised at what was said. We don’t even have to talk about anything that makes sense to always be anxiously waiting for the response of the other. I enjoy hearing her message tone, her ringtone and seeing her name pop up on my phone because this chick is literally my best friend forever, I don’t have anyone I can compare her to because she’s her own human and she’s compatible with me more than anybody, we have so much fun that a bad day ends up being a good day and we never have sleepless nights because of each other. This lady is my OG for real.



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